Very interesing heaven.(I like it for 10 point this heaven and...House Eagle?)I have this problem all.Very good heaven,but where super object?Or this is a super object and bad heaven.My problem in Czech Republic:))
26 Jan 12:49
Nice, but too much of an orange 'cast' for my liking.
26 Jan 13:11
I like the colours.
26 Jan 14:49
I like the mood and feel to this......just a tad less saturation IMHO.
beautiful golden sky
A very powerful image
sono d'accordo con bigfut!
Very interesing heaven.(I like it for 10 point this heaven and...House Eagle?)I have this problem all.Very good heaven,but where super object?Or this is a super object and bad heaven.My problem in Czech Republic:))
Nice, but too much of an orange 'cast' for my liking.
I like the colours.
I like the mood and feel to this......just a tad less saturation IMHO.
I think it was also good with less saturation
Un immagine potente e con un cielo drammatico
WOW ! the colour tones of the sky !
Awesome colors on the sky!