
Picture by sixthsiren

  • 2620
  • 6
  • 0
  • July 01, 2012
  • Shooting Style
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  • Editing Software Photoshop / Photomatix Pro
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  • Notes
bottles glass wood beer


01 Jul 02:38

I'm really trying to pay attention to my in camera histogram. I shot these while practicing in Fargo, GA.

01 Jul 03:45

I think you're about there, the only weird thing is the bar under the fence cap... something odd is happening there...completly different texturally from the rest of the pic. seems blurred.

01 Jul 03:57

Hey Randall, what you're seeing is actually a slit in the table top that looks through to the ground beneath the table. The ground below is about the same color as the wood on the table so it kind of blends together, except the ground is blurred due to de

01 Jul 12:22

ahhh, that makes a lot of sense.

01 Jul 12:26

The oxidized cast aluminum fence cap is spot on.. the Aneheiser-Busch beer bottles spot on.. weathered wood spot on but... what are the white specks. Noise.. pollen.. etc. Vote latter after clarification as I won't assume.

01 Jul 20:11

This looks perfect to me. Well done.

01 Jul 21:59

Great Detail

01 Jul 23:29

The shot is great so even without knowing for sure what all those specks are you score. Those Budweiser bottles set the tone for the color scheme.

03 Jul 18:03

John the specs are what I think is some sort of moss or something to that effect. The bench sits beneath a lot of old oak tress. Also there was a lot of sand on it too. Under the oaks there is very little grass at all. I had to move some potted plants out

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