Saw this while in Burghead (Scottish Northeast Coast).
07 Aug 19:00
Excellent, love the dogs...
07 Aug 20:07
Great post, the left edge could crop slightly to lose the ends of the window sills. Also the black & white dog is overexposed...I probably would have cloned out the shadow of the Sky dish, had the actual dish be in the frame then I would leave it....
Saw this while in Burghead (Scottish Northeast Coast).
Excellent, love the dogs...
Great post, the left edge could crop slightly to lose the ends of the window sills. Also the black & white dog is overexposed...I probably would have cloned out the shadow of the Sky dish, had the actual dish be in the frame then I would leave it....
I like the blue on the doors
Like your take on this One.........Well Done.
great potential with a few tweaks :)
Very nice simply image