This window with balcony, gives for "La calle de los suspiros" ("Whisper's street") I posted yesterday.
According to one story, playing with imagination, this window could be the brothel,I imagine leaning on balcony to a girl seducing sailors sighed for her.
29 Jul 01:03
Excellent process, love the stories. It adds poetry to a perfect shot.
29 Jul 01:45
digicam Plus User
Wonderful Color and Texture in this Beauty Ricardo.
What I like Best is that the Window is NOT Centered. Slight tilt, but not enough to deduct....Well Done.
29 Jul 01:59
Thanks Digi for your kind comments, but I think the bars gives the optical illusion of tilt, not seen tilted window.
29 Jul 02:03
digicam Plus User
My BAD Ricardo. It's the Railing that caught my EYE, see bottom. Window is Indeed Straight.
29 Jul 02:07
Nice.!! Nice story too. But I used to visit la Casa de NANA in Maldonado.. and those where times !!! jajaj
This window with balcony, gives for "La calle de los suspiros" ("Whisper's street") I posted yesterday. According to one story, playing with imagination, this window could be the brothel,I imagine leaning on balcony to a girl seducing sailors sighed for her.
Excellent process, love the stories. It adds poetry to a perfect shot.
Wonderful Color and Texture in this Beauty Ricardo. What I like Best is that the Window is NOT Centered. Slight tilt, but not enough to deduct....Well Done.
Thanks Digi for your kind comments, but I think the bars gives the optical illusion of tilt, not seen tilted window.
My BAD Ricardo. It's the Railing that caught my EYE, see bottom. Window is Indeed Straight.
Nice.!! Nice story too. But I used to visit la Casa de NANA in Maldonado.. and those where times !!! jajaj
I particularly like the colours.
de 10 :D
nice 10
Very Nice
is perfect, texture and color
Wow, Wonderful Shot!!!
a perfect image
Bonitas texturas y colores
Amazing colours and textures Ricardo. My POTD.