This one is better but still a bit burn you can use the clone brush with opacity set at 40%-30% and fix it.
04 Oct 21:24
Thankyou sanz3jo, ricardo has also improved it with the clone brush also
04 Oct 22:08
I guess with the originals in photomatix selective use ghost because the white car did not have that definition in which you publish. It is a possibility that
 not occurred to me, much improved, can be complemented with the cloning.
attempt at a fix...thx to myliwq01
This one is better but still a bit burn you can use the clone brush with opacity set at 40%-30% and fix it.
Thankyou sanz3jo, ricardo has also improved it with the clone brush also
I guess with the originals in photomatix selective use ghost because the white car did not have that definition in which you publish. It is a possibility that  not occurred to me, much improved, can be complemented with the cloning.
A ten from me for originality ;-)