Trail of Deer Lake
Picture by fredzhang Plus User
- views 2718
- likes 23
- favourites 2
- published January 26, 2014
- POTD Picture of the day
- Shooting Style Hand Held
- Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
- Exposures Number -2,-1,0,+1,+2
- Editing Software Photomatix Pro
- File Format RAW
- Notes
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Doesn't get much better than this. Download is Outstanding. You got that D800 in tune for sure. Favorite!
Yes I agree, perfect shot.
Great composition.well processed.
To be honest the download is very very good but a little more detail in the darkest areas would make this outstanding but have a 10 my man
Nice atmosphere.
10+++...Magical Fred, everything is perfect for me...
superb fred, my potd
Awesome Fred ! Great ambience. Potw por me...I will format 16x9 just for a huge print on plexi on that one ..congrats
Great light!
excelent mood
tres bien fait
very nice mood
Great atmosphere.
The atmosphere is nice as said, but to be honest as they say we must be, there is quite loss of shadow detail.
Darkness fits this pic.
There is Only Loss to those who do not Download
Congrats on POTD AND POTW!!
Congrats on POTD Fred....Surely the Best by a Long Shot.
POTW also... Congrats Again. The Members have got it right I see. Perhaps I could get a copy of that to hang on my Wall. Dark areas and ALL.
Actually I DOWNLOADED on 2 different computers and see a loss of details on both.