Bear Tooth Plateau

Picture by terhunephoto

  • views 12864
  • likes 4
  • favourites 0
  • published August 07, 2009
  • Point and shoot, so not exact
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2,0,+2
  • Editing Software
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes Took the shots, stacked with auto-align in photoshop, exported as tiffs, opened and processed in photo matix, then back into photoshop for finishing.
landscape bear tooth Beartooth plateau mesa mountains


07 Aug 04:18

Bear tooth Plateau. I do favor the more surreal images to the Realistic ones, so please keep that in mind when commenting. Thanks!

07 Aug 05:47


07 Aug 15:18

For sure a good photo! Only the blue on the shade-side of the mountains is a bit to saturated to my taste and there is some noise in the sky.. Overall, a nice shot and good final result! Makes me feel i like to hike down to the lake and have closer look..

07 Aug 17:10

Some people are just too full of themselves. I agree with Romano 100%, it's beautiful. And considering it was a hand held shot from a P&S, having to stack it, export it, run in photomatix and back to PS... it's a phenomenal picture!! GREAT JOB!

08 Aug 04:44

Thank you very much. I have the picture printed as a 16X20, and its possibly one of most breathtaking landscapes I have ever taken. I have a forum about digital noise in the forums section on here and would love if some people would start inputting on the

08 Aug 19:07

Needsun, As i assume you referring to my comment, i just like to let you know that i am not regarding myself as a great photographer nor a wizard at HDR/Photoshop, i am always very critical to my own photo's though and think that there is always room for

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